Fullstack development course ( LARAVEL WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT )



Programming Course Overview:

- Duration: Approximately 5 to 6 months

- Classes: Monday to Thursday (4 days)

- Class Duration:1 to 1.5 hours

- Monthly Fee:5,000

- with 2 days demo class

Language of Instruction:

- Urdu/Hindi/English

Batch Sections:

 -Evening and Night

Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction to Front-end Development**

- Understanding Front-end and Back-end

- Introduction to Editors and Development Environments

- Starting with HTML

**Module 2: HTML Fundamentals**

- HTML Elements and Tags

- Doctype and its significance

- Essential HTML Tags: HTML, Head, Title, Body

- Headings, Paragraphs, and Text Formatting

- Comments and their usage

**Module 3: HTML Attributes and Hyperlinks**

- Understanding HTML Attributes

- Working with Anchor Tags and Hyperlinks

- Using Lists, Images, and Tables

- Introduction to Forms and Form Elements

**Module 4: CSS Basics**

- Introduction to CSS

- CSS Syntax and Selectors

- Text Formatting and Font Styling

- Box Model and Backgrounds

- CSS Layout and Positioning

- Flexbox and Grid Systems

- Media Queries for Responsive Design

**Module 5: Final Project 1: HTML/CSS Responsive Page**

**Module 6: Introduction to JavaScript**

- What is JavaScript?

- Data Types and Variables

- Working with Operators and Functions

- Control Structures: Conditional Statements and Loops

- JavaScript in HTML: Interaction and Output

**Module 7: JavaScript Projects**

- Building a Quiz App

- Developing a Todo App

- Creating a Weather API Application

**Module 8: Introduction to Bootstrap**

- Understanding Bootstrap

- Grid System and Typography

- Working with Forms, Buttons, Alerts, and Cards

- Modals and Navbars

**Module 9: Getting Started with PHP**

- Introduction to PHP and Server-side Programming

- PHP Syntax and Variables

- Conditional Statements and Loops

- Functions and Basic CRUD Operations

- Introduction to MySQL Database and PHP Integration

**Module 10: PHP Projects**

- Building a Login and CRUD Application

- Developing a Todo App with Authentication

- Creating a Student Registration System

**Module 11: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP**

- Classes and Objects

- Properties, Methods, and Constructors

- Inheritance, Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Traits, and Namespaces

**Module 12: Final Project 2: OOP PHP CRUD with MySQL**

**Module 13: Getting Started with Laravel**

- Introduction to Laravel and MVC Architecture

- Setting up a Laravel Application

- Routing, Views, and Blade Templates

- Controllers, Models, and Migrations

**Module 14: Laravel Projects**

- Building a Contact App with CRUD Operations

- Implementing Authentication and Authorization

- Customizing Authentication with Laravel Breeze

- Exploring Advanced Features like Relationships, Pagination, Middleware, and File Uploading

**Module 15: Final End Project (FEP)**

- Building a comprehensive web application like Learning Management System, Customer Relation Management, Inventory Management System, Employee Management System, or Point Of Sale

- with no certificate 

fee will be submit after the demo class


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